"I wish I had utilized my college days to develop the courage to ask for clarifications, to gain the skills of being open about my understanding of an issue in a group and to develop the confidence to face criticism and disapproval from peers and authority figures.
Puzzled in college
As I was looking through some of the pictures I took of my Engineering College, a lot of memories came back to me. I could not help wish, that I had the benefit of David Brook's article during my college days. I regret I did not have the confidence to make mistakes and learn from them during my college days.
At that time in my college I had started feeling that everyone else in my class knew more than me. In class the professors would call on students and ask questions. When ever I did not understand some topics, it appeared there were many others who seemed to know it all and would ask what were apparently intelligent questions or 'doubts' as we used to call them. So there was a lot of pressure to appear competent or to not appear incompetent, while answering a question or while asking one.
Interesting professors
Some professors said things which were unforgettable. One professor would ask students to stand up when he asked question and if the student answered wrong he would say "tappu" (WRONG!). Then he proceeded to rub it in by saying "Didn't you read the notes from last class? Where is it? Show me! Do you have it or did you use it to wipe your nephew's bottom?"
Another favorite person of this professor was 'last man'. 'Last man' was any student who was unwise enough to sit in the last bench. The professor would routinely keep writing something on the board and suddenly without turning would say " Last man! Stand up and tell me what are the advantages of a Yagi Uda antenna". No one would want to own up to the name of 'last man'. Hearing no response from the class he would quip "So is the 'last man' absent today?". Then he would turn around and call on one of the occupants of the last bench to answer the question. If the student did not answer, the professor would turn red with anger and scold him with choice words. Most students were quite scared of landing up in this situation. (If I think of it now, I wonder why we had to be so scared. Now I am a bit concerned because, soon my little daughters will ask a similar question "Why should we be afraid of dad giving us a timeout")
The subject taught by this professor was Antennas and for various reasons I was not receiving it well and often found myself tuned-out in the class. The biggest concern I had was that I would be called on to answer a question. I was convinced that I would not know the answer and would face horrible embarrassment and verbal abuse. Many other students feared the same and we all had found a way of avoiding it. The strategy was to come to class ahead of others and occupy the front bench before anybody else does. The adage "the safest place is right under the nose of the enemy" was literally true for us. The professor would stand right above us on a platform and would mercifully look over us training all his weapons on the unfortunate 'last man'. I must add that the professor taught well and was no enemy of us but the proverb is useful in this instance.
As is evident, I wanted to hide from the professor and avoid being asked questions. Such being the case, it was way out of line for me to ask questions on my own or participate in a class room discussion. Added to this was the feeling that every other student in the class seemed to be better prepared than me. Whenever I did not understand some concepts, I would just think that I needed to go home and read it on my own rather than risk embarrassment by asking for a clarification or for greater explanation of the concept. This I realized later was a very unwise thing to do. I wish I had utilized my college days to develop the courage to ask for clarifications, to gain the skills of being open about my understanding of an issue in a group and to develop the confidence to face criticism and disapproval from peers and authority figures.
Pre-University days
My college was very selective in giving admission and the student population generally included very good students from the best schools in the neighborhood. Subjects like calculus, trigonometry and science were a bit overwhelming - especially the labs in chemistry and physics. I was experiencing labs for the first time and it was very confusing. The experiments needed a series of steps and I wanted to make sure I got them right and so I would ask a lot of questions. While the teacher answered the questions patiently my own teammate with whom I had to do the experiments seemed to be getting extremely embarrassed at all my questions. At some point he made a very curt remark at me "You are asking too many silly questions. Stop asking them". The stupid guy made such an impact on me that from then on I hesitated to ask questions even when I did not understand the topic. This kind of hesitation is self serving. In the beginning you don't ask questions because you think it may be a stupid question. Before you know you will be half way through the course and you would still have lingering doubts and questions but it would be too late and embarrassing to ask them. The term would end with an unsatisfactory learning experience. This carried on to engineering too leading to the situations I wrote earlier in this article.
A second chance
After completing my Engineering I took up a job and I would often wish that I could go back to my college days and go through the education again - this time doing it the right way without making the same mistakes. I would think "If only I could get a second chance, I will not hesitate to stand up and ask for an explanation when it did not make sense to me. I would seek out the professors and clarify my 'doubts' at the risk of appearing incompetent in front of the professors and other students." I did get a second chance at going to college after working for four years. But this time it was at an university in New Mexico, USA where I went on to complete my graduate degree.
I don't get it Prof
Given my past experience, student life in New Mexico, USA had a pleasant change of atmosphere which was greatly welcome to me. The relationship between the professors and students was more casual. The professors wore shorts and students would call them by their first names without adding the title 'professor'. The staff treated students as if they were equals. Students would come to class with a can of coke and sit with their legs crossed on the table. One fact that certainly caught my attention was this. When the professor asked questions the American students did not hesitate to say "I don't know" or answered with whatever they knew. What appeared even more impressive to me was this. During the lecture a student in a pony tail would tell in a loud voice "Hold on David. I don't get it. You are going too fast". At which point the professor would patiently explain what the student was missing. I must admit, this had a lot to do with the fact that we were graduate students. (I also admit I secretly desired that someday I would be able to talk to the professor as the American students did)
Questions welcome
There were also situations when things were slightly different. There was one professor who taught a subject called Finite Automata which was very challenging or at least the professor made it tough and kept reminding students how it is not going to be easy. He was very tough in the class and more so when he graded the exam papers. He believed in tough love and some students (including Americans) were generally scared of him. Most students played it safe by remaining quiet in the class. But this being my second chance, I had the benefit of experience and I had decided that I would not make the same mistakes I had made in my previous college life. Early in the course I had a difficult time understanding a concept and reached a dead-end in my efforts to learn it on my own. I had no choice but to go and ask him for help. I went to visit him in his office and explained that I was having problems with a certain concept and wanted to clarify my understanding. When I asked him my questions ('doubts' as many Indian students would call them much to the amusement of Americans) he not only answered them well but said something that encouraged me. "See it is good for me to listen to your questions. For me, the concepts in my subject are quite clear because I am familiar with it. But there are lots of missing links in your mind, The problem is, I do not know what those missing links are. I do not know what puzzles you, what confuses you. But I would like to know. So, you should come and talk to me as often as you can". These words from him had such a comforting effect on me that I found myself being very attentive in his class and was able to get a better grasp of the subject. In fact the class turned out to be very enjoyable after that. His attitude towards students has helped me be a better person whenever I am in the position of a teacher such as teaching my own daughters or while explaining to my co-workers.
Handling incorrect answers
When it comes to the topic of a professor quizzing the students, I am reminded of another professor whose style of asking questions and responding to students was really encouraging. This professor would ask a question and if somebody answered wrong he would grin and close his eyes and wrinkle his nose and say "uuummmm ... you could say that.. but I am looking for something different". Eventually he would go around asking whoever raised their hand and finally get the answer he was looking for. Such supportive environment gives the students the confidence to open up and participate in class activities, which is very important to develop self-esteem and confidence, which become extremely important in the real life which come after college.
Honest feedback
When it comes to giving feedback or praise to students, I do agree that the teachers have to be honest and deliver critical feedback instead of avoiding them. But there is also some merit to the sentiment that there are times when it is wise to hold back honest critical assessment - especially when such critical feedback runs the risk of throwing cold water on the receiver's enthusiasm. Such criticisms might have the sad outcome of completely extinguishing a person's spirit.
The intent of this article is not to generalize the teaching styles in India or in the US. It is just my personal experience. I have come across professors in US who just recited mechanically what they knew, without bothering to know how much the students had understood. On the other hand I have had many teachers and professors in India who were such noble people that they personified the image of the knowledgeable and benevolent guru. They not only excelled as teachers but also showed love and care towards their students. I wish more and more students get to benefit from such teachers. Such teachers are sensitive to the needs, strengths and limitations of all their students. Such teachers will not only teach the right lessons but will also help their students learn from their mistakes.
Golden opportunity
Irrespective of the teachers and their methods, it is the student who has to take personal responsibility for getting the best out of his or her educational experience. Students should dare to raise their hands when asked questions and should not shun participation for the fear of making mistakes. Life in school and college provides golden opportunities for the student to gain invaluable life skills and grow as a person. Good teachers will enable the growth of their students by providing and maintaining a supportive learning environment.
Very interesting writing, something that I can easily relate to. Though I was not the smartest in my engineering class I was pretty comfortable I guess. But I had many of my classmates approach some of us who 'appeared to' understand well for clarifications. They were scared to ask the teachers. Praising smart kids and openly humiliating who are falling behind is something that some of our teachers exhibit. It was worse in highschool. In one of our classes the guy who gave correct answer was asked to hit on the back of the students who gave incorrect answers. The teachers in US has 'office hours' concept if someone is shy to ask in a group can seek answers one on one.
Madhu, what an article! I agree with almost everything you say. In fact, I think I learnt the "art" of acquiring knowledge only in the US - in India it was mostly a matter appearing "competent", "mugging" the answers and beating the system ...for me. The informal atmosphere, open book tests and true thirst for knowledge in the US took me aback. I often tell Deepak I want to go back to school in the US! Just curious, who took Automata for you - was it Hing Leung? I used to love going to Desh Ranjan's class and hate Hing Leung's class! And the professor who wrinkled his nose strongly suggests Hartley...or maybe Pfeiffer - both favourites of mine!
Thanks for the nostalgia kick
:-) :-)........."be confident enough to make mistakes" my pappa's one of the basic lessons to me.......and I did it again now by putting one such comment to this Note! :-).........yadvatadva iShTa aaytu.....:-)
I am Ruchira and it was very nicely done!
Good Article Madhu. If one (or many :-)) is chronically underprepared and keeps interrupting with trivials then pace & advancement of topic for the rest of the class slows down and as you underline they will soon become targets of getting ...joked around. So being prepared, if not well, is student's primary job (first payless job before a paid job:-)) for better learning experience. That is why we all flock to Stanford. Definitely no need to be timid to raise hand if things doesn't make sense. Morover, clarification can occur outside class with friends, with instructors or TA's during office hours or learned seniors et. al. if asking in a class is embarassing (next payless job :-)).
thanks all. Padmaja Narsipur it was Leung for me :-) Hartley and Pfiefier did that too. I was thinking of Karshmer.
Madhu, wonderful notes. You have hit the nail on its head....this is I am sure experienced by a lot of us and given another chance, would have done it differently with knowledge of things we've gained here in the US of A. Thank you for posting it.
Madhu - I think this is very well written. Having said that I think even today there is a fear within us to raise our hands and ask a question publicly. Imagine sitting in a company all hands or in a auditorium. How many of us will feel comfortable asking a question in such a setting. May be the fear still exists?
Well said Madhu. Your experience is so well captured in this well written article. I wish you can publish it somewhere, so youngsters can make a good use of this article in shaping themselves, what they can be at school/colleges. Though I w...as not smartest in the class, I never hesitated to ask questions, when in doubt. I only wished the teachers spent more time in a practical approach than just reading out everything that is in the textbooks.
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